05-16-2022 Filam Council Via Messenger

Minutes of Fil-Am Council Meeting
May 16, 2022
Via Messenger


Pastor Bong, Jennifer Gonzaga, Marlon Gante, Tess Gante, Sally Flores, Joanne Nocasa, Jo Beltran, Danny Catlin, Julie Catlin, Elda Duro, 

Opening Prayer and Devotion: Pastor Bong Abagon.  

The following reports were given.  


  • Financial Secretary
  • Children's Sunday School Director:  Joanne will encourage Gina, Donna and Jean to continue to persevere with children's Sunday School.
  • VBS.  She asks for an update.  Pastor Bong will revisit.   
  • Social Committee:  Will meet with the committee and reelect a new coordinator among Luisa, Lita, Jean, Luz, and Eva.  
  • Logistics / Supply:  Continue to look for who will take charge of materials
  • Potluck Frequency:  Moved to once a month, every last Sunday of the month except on months with special events.   
  • Lei Ministry:   Donna and Julie
  • Counter:  Continues to participate together with Cion and Eva. 
  • Women's Sunday School - will divide the younger and older women's Sunday school with Aunty Tess; Will look into the Sunday School Materials (lifeway)
  • Deacon-in-Training - continues training with Jay, JR, and Randy
  • Announcements - Marlon will continue to work on collecting announcements and getter at putting the program together with other deacons and men

  • Missions - missions last April were very successful, the roof is finished and leftover bags were distributed
  • Mission:  Three Mission endeavors are suggested for August 2022. 
    • School Supplies Distribution
    • Train, bless, and celebrate Sta Barbara Christian outreaches (5)
    • Train and plan with Sta Barbara for the future
    • November 2022 - Pastors Continuing Education with Seminary Professors.  To be Announced.   
  • Sunday School Women - will work with Sally in the division of younger women from older women
  • Youth and Children:  Youth is with Micah and will have a special event at the end of the month of May.  Children are with Tina and Kat and continue to disciple children during worship services.
  • Special Events:  Easter, and Mothers Day.   She is grateful for those who helped and participate in the past events. 
  • Church Clerk:  Will reconstruct the membership list.  We will begin with old files such as the old membership directory; will look into using contact cards on Sundays to solicit new information; will post a new membership list during Sunday church
  • Sunday School Director: Directs Adults in Sunday school and will look into the new materials for the classes. 
  • Ushers:  He is grateful for all the men who help out.  We still don't have regular listings but those present on Sundays serve on the spot.   
  • Lord's Supper: Turned over back to the deacons.
  • Sunday School Men:  grateful for the young boys for joining.    
  • OBI: Teachers are invited to attend May 19 teachers forums open to all teachers.   
  • The financial report showed.  
  • Jen will supply paper financial reports on Sunday's business meeting covering January to April 2022.
  • Jen will print also the ministry spending for January to April 2022.  
  • She gave a positive report and summation of 2021.


  • Tithing Envelopes were encouraged and explained. 
  • Elda will help with Jennifer for financial statements
  • Commends the counters for a job well done.   

All reports do not need any church action decision for the upcoming business meeting.  However, there are change that the church needs to know and they are the following:    

  1. Finances: Financial Statements for January to April 2022.   (This requires church action)
  2. Social:  Potluck lunch will be on the last Sunday of the month except on months with special events. 
  3. Social:  Elect a new team leader
  4. VBS:  Pastor Bong to revisit and dialogue with Mother Church
  5. Missions:  August and November 2022
  6. Stewardship: Tithing Envelopes
  7. Clerk:  Updated Membership List; Acceptance of New Members (This requires church action)

Closing Prayer:  Marlon Gante


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