
Showing posts from October, 2022

ACP 2022 Fil-Am

 The following information has been forwarded to HPBC.  Updated: October 20, 2022 by Pastor Bong Abagon  What Value Comment Q1 Total Membership                  78 Updated Sheet as of 10/20/202 Q3 In PersonWeeklsy worship average attendnace     65 Q4 Online Weekly Worship Ave Participation     20 Q5b Baptism 12-17 1 Q5d Baptism 30 and up 4 Q6 BS/SS/Small Group Average Attendance 50 Small groups:  0 SS: 25 Bible Study Wed: 10  Youth: 15 Q7Online SS/BS/Small Group  Participation  35 Online Small Group: 15 Bible Study Wed:  10 Q8a Local Comm Outreach 47 Food Distribution with Waipahu: 10 Youth Friday:  15 Handbell:  12 Q8cOutside US and Canada     12 Aug PHil. Mission Trip: 8 Oct Phil. Mission Trip:  4 Q9a  Undesignated Gifts/Offerings 45,129.50 Based on the Business Meeting report 10/2/2022

10-11-2022 Filam Volunteers Appreciation on 10-16-2022 Led by Deacons and Deacons Wives

Volunteer Appreciation Sunday October 16, 2022   Program for this Sunday:  To recognize volunteers and their hard work.  Deacons and Deacons' Wives will have a chance to honor all our ministry leaders before the sermon.   Please note that Marlon and Luz will miss this sunday.   Pray for Jay and Randy who works during the church hours.    Deacons and Deacon Wives:  Marlon and Luz, JR and Luisa, Randy and Jo and Jay and Joanne.   Thought and Scripture : (see below)    Testimony:   Gift Giving ********************* JR Gante:   If you’re curious about what the Bible has to say about why we give of our time, talent, and treasure to volunteer through Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church, we put together just a few of the thoughts/key verses that inform what we do: Jo Beltran:   God loves and cares for those in need through us. Isaiah 58:10 declares, “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in the darkness and your gloom will be