10-11-2022 Filam Volunteers Appreciation on 10-16-2022 Led by Deacons and Deacons Wives

Volunteer Appreciation Sunday
October 16, 2022  

Program for this Sunday:  To recognize volunteers and their hard work.  Deacons and Deacons' Wives will have a chance to honor all our ministry leaders before the sermon.   Please note that Marlon and Luz will miss this sunday.   Pray for Jay and Randy who works during the church hours.   

Deacons and Deacon Wives:  Marlon and Luz, JR and Luisa, Randy and Jo and Jay and Joanne.  

  • Thought and Scripture : (see below)   
  • Testimony:  
  • Gift Giving


JR Gante:   If you’re curious about what the Bible has to say about why we give of our time, talent, and treasure to volunteer through Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church, we put together just a few of the thoughts/key verses that inform what we do:

Jo Beltran:   God loves and cares for those in need through us. Isaiah 58:10 declares, “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in the darkness and your gloom will be as the noonday.” One theme that runs all throughout the Bible is that God closely identifies with and cares for the plight of those who needs Jesus, and that to serve them is to serve Him. Consequently, we volunteer with humility, knowing that we’re working with those God dearly loves.

Joanne Nocassa:   God blessed us with gifts and talents to benefit others. Can you imagine if the basketball player Lebron James never left his driveway basketball hoop, or if musician Beethoven only wrote songs for him and no one else to listen to? The Bible teaches that those who hoard their gifts, not only cheat others but themselves. 1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” You’re calling just might be found at the place where your gifting and the world’s needs meet. 

Luisa Gante:   God made us for His purposes, way before we ever realized it. Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” We serve and volunteer confidently, knowing that God has prepared the way for us!

Jay Nocasa (prerecord):   We volunteer not because we are ready to serve, but rather because we are WILLING to serve.   Our willingness equip us for the work.  There are many hardships, and trials but Jesus promises to give us His Holy Spirit who guides us and equips us all the way through.  Acts 1:8, You shall be my witnesses first in Jerusalem and in Judah and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.   

Randy Beltran (prerecord):   God will reward us. A lot of people balk at the idea that a volunteer would be the one to benefit from serving, but Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive an inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Our volunteer leaders will tell you that often, they are the ones who feel that they’ve been the most blessed by serving the homeowners we work with in West and South Dallas. Not only is there personal satisfaction in serving others, but the Scriptures also teach that we’ll be rewarded by Jesus because it’s actually Him we’re serving!

********************* List of Volunteers for 2022

  1. Men’s Ministry:  
  2. Women’s WMU Ministry:  Sally, Joanne, Rossanna, Tess and Jennifer 
  3. Young Adult and Youth Ministry:  Micah Abagon and Parents:   Tina, Jo and Randy, Joanne and Jay, Donna and Jeff, and Gina.    
  4. Children’s Church Ministry; Tina and Kat
  5. Sunday School Ministry:  Joanne, Jo, Jean, Gina, Donna, Sally, Tess, Marlon, JR
  6. Praise and Worship Ministry:  Jackie, Tony, Micah, and Jay 
  7. Social Ministry:  Luisa, Luz, 
  8. Small Group Ministry:  Jo, Joanne, Rossanna, Tina, Jennifer, Bong 
  9. Missions Committee:  Jean, Marlon, Tess, Vic.  Participants for 2022:  Marion and Gloria Rone.  
  10. Stewardship Ministry:  Jennifer, 
  11. Filam HR - Personnel Ministry:  
  12. Board of Trustees; Deacons:  
  13. Ad-Hoc Committees: 24th Anniversary Committee:
  14. A special mention to those who moved to other places:  Danny and Julie Catlin  


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